Personal assistant right hand of businesspersons
Personal assistant is must for the big business persons who have busy schedule and require a person to handle the schedule and make schedules for them as per the requirement. Meetings, board meetings, appointment with important persons, everything is being handled by the personal assistant of business persons. Personal assistant referred as PA is required to be more active and quick to handle everything efficiently. He/she should be active mentally also to handle the situation in case any problem arises due to any reason. While hiring a personal assistant few things have to be kept in mind like suitability of the person as PA personality wise as well as knowledge wise.
Personal assistant must be enhanced with few qualities. While selecting the PA it should be noticed that how much well organized the person is, whether he/she will be able to handle and maintain the schedule as per requirement. The person who has applied for the post of PA must be detail oriented i.e. must know the procedure consisting the detailed information regarding any particular individual, company or matter. The PA should be trustworthy so that one can assure the maintenance of secrecy of confidential matters. Priorities in arranging the schedules must be understood by the PA to ensure the scheduling as per importance of the particular.
Personal assistant should be responsible as he/she has to handle number of responsibilities together, without missing a single responsibility. Mishandling of a single responsibility can create messing up in the complete schedule. PA should be professional completely that he/she be able to deal with every kind of professional personnel’s. Professionalism is an important factor; as if PA is not professional completely it will be difficult for him/her to deal with professional persons. Personal preferences, matters, feelings are required to be kept apart while dealing in professional world. The Personal assistant should be resourceful, as some information is required to be taken out from sources like information of competitors etc. Many times issues have to be settled internally, for the purpose one requires resources to do the job.
Businesspersons look forward for the personal assistant, on whom they can rely and depend. PA must be dependable in case of handling the meeting arrangements, document arrangements, scheduling meeting etc. Businesspersons avoid maintaining such records and therefore hire PA’s to do the needful for them in a better way. Many a times PA’s represent the meetings or individuals on behalf of their boss, in this case they are required to be capable of delegating in different matters. At times it is required to be resilient in some matters as aggressiveness can spoil the matter more. Being resilient till is also a quality of personal assistant, as no businessperson will be requiring a PA who is aggressive and talk even not being asked. PA has the right to speak only when being asked. A self- starter PA is demanded the most as they start the work by themselves and with the permission of their boss. They don’t bother their boss in deciding schedule or handling matters.
Personal assistants are the chosen ones with lot of responsibilities being shouldered on them.
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How to Choose a Personal Assistant
Hiring a personal assistant can be a tricky process involving much trial and error. Not every employer is the same, and a personal assistant should not only fit the employer's needs but also his or her personality. This article offers a few ideas on how you can eliminate some of the stress of hiring a personal assistant (PA).
When you are first looking for an assistant, it is important to equally weigh all the facets you will look at. Although skills and employment history are important factors, employers must also consider an applicant's personality and life experiences. Chemistry, an intangible quality most often discovered during an interview, is the most important factor in determining the success of this employer-employee relationship.
Qualified applicants should be
able to prioritize
able to delegate
a self-starter
a team player
able to anticipate and plan ahead
The fastest and easiest way to get the applicants you are looking for is to write a descriptive and detailed job description. To you as an employer, a job description helps you to clearly define the type of person you would like to hire. Not only will you decide what qualifications and previous work experience your PA should have, but writing a job description will also help you to develop some of the questions you will ask during screening and interviewing. From the perspective of the applicants, the job description serves as a guide in helping them to know exactly what you are looking for and to make them understand that this is a serious position. A clearly written list of needs tells applicants that you, the employer, have your head together and know what you need and that all the PA has to do is follow your directions and provide the help.
When writing your description, consider how much time you want to spend training your new hire. If you write a well-defined job description, you will make it easier on yourself in determining how much experience a person really has.
When written for a PA position, a comprehensive job descriptions has at least six standard parts: (1) Job title; (2) Nature of work; (3) Qualifications and qualities of employee; (4) Duties to be performed; (5) Work schedule and comments; and (6) Salary.
Not every PA will be ideal. But following the above suggestions will see you better on your way to finding a personal assistant who fits your needs and can give you the help you're looking for.
Temporary Personal Assistant ( offers part-time personal assistants in Los Angeles who work closely with busy individuals to provide personalized service. Rachel Spohn is a freelance writer.
Career Of A Personal Assistant
Looking for personal assistant jobs on the internet will offer you hundreds of pages that will tell you just how to find the perfect placement for you. It's good to note though from the off that being a PA is a demanding, hard working job and that good clerical experience as well as any previous work in administration will go a long way to preparing you for the workload given. Most PAs tend to work for traditional businesses, although in recent years celebrity personal assistants have cropped up in the media, usually to reveal intimate details about the person they were previous employed for.
While most personal assistant jobs are on the premises of the company in question, with the advent of freelancing sites like Elance and oDesk, it is possible to hire one over the internet as well as work from home rather than in an office. This is a great benefit for those who have PA experience and are wanting to get back into their career, but maybe have a family or child to care for. A quick search into sites like the ones mentioned will offer you plenty of oppertunities to get into the business. Don't expect a great deal of pay at first unless you've got a wealth of experience at hand. With many employers looking for a few years of experience if the necessary qualifications are missing, it's best to either have one or the other at hand if you want to make the tast just that little bit easier. Some employers though will take the chance on hiring new recruits and train them so they will be effective in their role.
As mentioned before, celebrity personal assistants have become famous in their own right in the last few years due to the press focusing on their troubles with former famous employers. One of the latest headlines focuses on Steve Wig who was the former PA for Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich. He is currently suing his former employer for unpaid overtime as well as bonuses which he alleges haven't been paid by the drummer. Headlines like these are reasonably common as the press looks for juicy stories on the stars to help sell their newspapers.
Career as a PA is certainly very promising, although keep in mind there are many thousands heading towards the same career. Having some experience and some great grades will do you credit in the eyes of the employers. In addition, you may just get the perfect job you were always looking for.
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Hiring Virtual Assistant Services
What is a virtual assistant? A virtual assistant is a trained and skilled individual who works in the comfort of home or their own office. Virtual assistant services is to report and work in collaboration with small and big business owners and entrepreneur providing administrative support without being physically present in the office.
In the recent times, we have seen high growth of this job due to the fast phase of technology. One can now work in remote place while reporting to some other countries. Many big and small companies across the world are now hiring virtual assistant services. You can check online for the list of all the companies providing service VA, you can choose the company and country of which you would like to work with. Companies can save more when they get a services because VA's are sub contractor and they are not entitled to employee benefits nor pay any tax like those working inside the office. Though VA's do not have the same privilege like those working in the office, the good thing is that they have their own advantage like they can do their job anywhere as long as there is an internet connection.
Most of the service provider assisting you to get virtual assistant have flexible terms and you can take the service for an hour or a day or a month as per your need. While companies get benefited by paying only for the job done unlike regular employee, the candidate get help by doing the job in part-time or full-time as per the requirement.
Considering the importance of VA's, you have multiple options to hire one, however it might take a time to select one and there are high chances that you might pick the wrong candidate and they will fail to deliver your expectation. So you should always prefer to hire professional services that are in this business from long. They take care of screening the candidates, teaching them the skills and they always perform well.
Hiring a professional virtual assistant services has become more popular especially for those with small and home business. It is very efficient to keep the business working smoothly. It is also a viable option for those businesses who wants to cut their operating costs. Having done that, the company will save a lot from simple office supplies to paying off the electricity. A company, small or big has the option to hire a virtual assistant as a regular full-time employee or a part-time employee.
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Become A Virtual Assistant
How does the process of making money work for a Virtual Assistant?
VA is a business entrepreneur and in order to be successful must provide good service. This is predominantly a work from home job and therefore requires discipline, focus and dedication. Virtual Assistants make money by working on tasks delegated to them, through e-mails, telephones or fax.
What resources or skills does one need to be a Virtual Assistant?
To be a Virtual Assistant, one needs excellent communication skills, ability to coordinate research, and to organize the process efficiently. One should also be skilled at canvassing and marketing products or services if required by the company or individual they work for.
How can one acquire these skills?
A Virtual Assistant may be required to do many things including writing articles, researching or even creating a website. With a little direction and training it is possible for VAs to excel in this field and make a lot of money. There are many short term courses offered to help fine tune skills.
How much investment is required?
The person who wants to earn money by being a Virtual Assistant can kick start with ease as this does not require high investments. Apart from learning the course, VAs needs a good computer with internet connectivity. The person who is engaged in this business does not have to rent a separate office. Sitting at home, equipped with excellent communication skills, VAs have to communicate with clients and deliver online.
Who are the competitors?
Competitors for Virtual Assistants are others who work in a similar field. If you are good at your job and skilled in organizing and communicating, then companies will definitely offer you great opportunities. You can either advertise your services independently or be a part of VA service providers to access good opportunities.
How difficult is it?
For those who are disciplined, committed and skilled, being a virtual assistant is not difficult at all. As this is a work from home job, you can work on it as an additional source of income, at a mutually convenient time. Once you establish your reputation in the market and find a few reliable clients, your job becomes easier and money starts rolling in.
How much can one earn?
Virtual Assistant pay depends on the skill, training and type of job. It also depends on how efficient, quick and useful the assistant is. The more skills one offers to clients, the more money they can make.